JOIN US FOR A DAY OF THE FREE PREVENTIVE SCREENINGS, HEALTH RESOURCES, FOOD AND FAMILY FUN ACTIVITIES What can your family do at the Health Fair? Family Fun Activities Play Booth Bingo to win prizes 1 Mile Color Run or Walk Face painting Arts & Crafts🚛Food Trucks🏑 9-Hole Minigolf Preventative Screenings Covered by Desert Senita & Its Sponsors Blood Pressure Check Retinopathy screening (checks for abnormalities in the retina of people with diabetes) A1C Check Get community resources from local business and organizations: Arizona Complete HealthArizona City Fire DistrictZ89.3 KZOA RadioVitalant Gold Kidney Health Plan Educational resourcesInformation about Desert Senita programs and more. On-site Mammograms - Call to schedule one On site 3D Mammogram Mammogram bus will be on site Saturday February 15, 2025.Appointments required ahead of time by calling (520)387-5651 Download the flyer mammogram event in Arizona City If you are uninsured or have no insurance Mammograms are covered Arizona Complete Health Join the Color Run! A 1 mile run or walk for all agesGet a free T-shirtYour choice of color splashed onto you at stations set up along the run pathGet your exercise for the day! (and your steps in of course!) Free to join!Email: [email protected] to sign upStart time & LocationCheck-in at 9amLocation at 13060 Sunland Gin Rd HEALTH FAIR BEGINS IN YOUR TOWN IN... ARIZONA CITY COOLIDGE Thank you to all our sponsors who are making this event and our on-going ability to provide care possible