The Best Thing You Can Do For Yourself & Others Is Take Care Of Your Own Health. And Why Not Get A Chance To Win A Prize While You are At it.
To celebrate the opening of our Coolidge clinic we want to reward you for taking your health into your own hands
After your screen you’ll be entered into a raffle to win one of these prizes:
Fitbit Charges
$100 Walmart Gift cards
Stanley tumbler 40oz
Stanley Water Bottles
The Grand Prize: The newest iPad

You can call or take a photo of the QR code for Coolidge to book your appointment for any preventative screen like,
Cholesterol so you can see where you’re at and prevent a potential heart attack
Well woman & Men’s health check to help screen for common types of cancer
Well Child check-up to make sure your child is reaching critical milestones in their growth
Diabetes check-up (Foot exams, Retinopathy A1C) to make sure everything is healthy
And more! (call us and we can find the best screen for you)
Schedule your screening now by calling
OR use your camera and take a photo of the QR CODE